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The Way of The Witch Newsletter | Animal Totem: The Dragpnfly

Newsletter > Archive > Channeled Animal Totems

Animal Totem: The Dragonfly

Element: Water/Air

Planetary association:

God/Goddess associations:
The Dragonfly is associated with the Mayan goddess Ix Chel as well as the Norse goddess Freya

Transformation, emotion, wisdom, prudence, magic, elementals

The Dragonfly is a symbol of profound transformation and awakening. It carries with it the energy and magic of the elementals and the possibility of increased psychic development and insight. It is associated with emotions and the development of emotional wisdom. Its presence can also be a reminder to pay close attention to the people and energies around you, and to mindfully mitigate any negativity or deception that you may encounter.

Message from the Dragonfly:
"Deep and lasting transformation can only occur when you surrender to the possibilities of your highest potential. We call upon you now to awaken your power and reconnect with your innate wisdom. You are here at this time for a reason, and your assistance is needed in transitioning our planet and its inhabitants into a higher vibrational alignment. But in order to do this, you must first align your actions with your wisdom. And so, we ask you not to fear, but to embrace the possibility of change, with the knowledge that as you embrace your power, you will be part of the transformation of the
greater collective."

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